NFR Global Academy Awards

Celebrate excellence in filmmaking with the NFR Global Academy Awards. This stream honours outstanding talents in filmmaking, fostering emerging talents and setting high-quality benchmarks in the industry. Let us discern the best in short films, documentaries and animation films of global cinema.


Kochi Festival

A three-month-long festival featuring seven streams of activities, culminating in a three-day summit with cultural and art events

Bringing filmmakers, producers and society together to be part of the vibrant creative economy

Shri Vetri Maaran (National Award-winning director, writer, and producer) has joined the NFR Festival GAA as the Jury Chairman.

Awards and Prizes


Short Films

  • Best Short Film: ₹100,000 (divided equally between Producer and Director)
  • Second Best Short Film: ₹50,000
  • Best Director: ₹25,000
  • Best Cinematography: ₹25,000
  • Best Editing: ₹15,000
  • Best Sound: ₹15,000
  • Best Male Actor: ₹20,000
  • Best Female Actor: ₹20,000

Documentary Films

  • Best Documentary Film: ₹100,000
  • Second Best Documentary: ₹25,000

Animation Films

  • Best Animation Film: ₹50,000
  • Second Best Animation film: Memento and certificate
  • Best Director: Memento and certificate
  • Best Cinematography: Memento and certificate
  • Best Editing: Memento and certificate
  • Best Sound: Memento and certificate

Celebrate excellence in filmmaking with the NFR Global Academy Awards.

Monthly Selections

The festival also conducts monthly selections for the best short films, documentaries, and animation films. Monthly winners of each category will receive ₹10,000 each.

Special Jury Awards and Participation Certificates

Special jury awards will be presented to deserving candidates. Participation certificates will also be presented to acknowledge participation in the festival.

Monthly Winners

July: Waseem Ameer

August: Jiljo Jeejo


Submission Closed

September 05, 2024

Final Selected List Announce Soon

NFR Kochi Festival 2025


Global Academy Award Night


Jury Process

The selection process of the NFR Global Academy Awards is split into the following three juries:

  • Internal Jury: A team of experienced film professionals conducts an initial review of all the confirmed films. They then select a group of films to move forward to the next stage.
  • Professional Jury: Comprising artists from various sectors of the Malayalam film industry, the Professional Jury reviews the films chosen by the Internal Jury. They evaluate these films and determine the final list, including the winners of the Professional Awards.
  • Final Jury: The Final Jury watches all the films that have been shortlisted by the Professional Jury and is responsible for selecting the ultimate winners.
Jury Image
Jury Image
Jury Image
Jury Image
Jury Image